Perry Barr NNS Grants Programme
NNS Grants
We are accepting new applications for micro grants up to £500 to help local non-profit community groups deliver projects for vulnerable people aged 50+ and 18 – 49 with long term disabilities. For further information and to apply please see the application forms below….
Our Small grants (£501 to £4999) opens twice a year and is targeted at established groups with a good track record of delivery of projects for vulnerable people aged 50+ and 18 - 49 with long term disabilities.
For further information please contact Perry Barr NNS on PerryBarrNNS@birmingham.gov.uk.
Forward Carers Grant
Forward Carers is excited to announce the launch of a new Grant Fund – Small Grants for Unpaid Carer Groups in Birmingham! And, we’ve partnered with the Neighbourhood Network Schemes (NNS) to reach Carer groups across the city. This grant of £50-£500 is to empower unpaid carers to organise activities that promote wellbeing and social connections.
For more information and to apply for this grant please click here
*New Grant Fund* – Small Grants for Unpaid Carer Groups in Birmingham - Birmingham Carers Hub
How to apply